Saturday, May 06, 2006

Nut Case, and it's not Hannity....

You have to see this video, also found via There's No Such Thing as Half a Stick. It is from Hannity & Colmes, which I must agree with HalfStick, I find hard to stomach, but watch on occassion. It is an interview with a woman who is a member of the extremely nutty Westboro Baptist Church. They're the one's who protest at the funerals of soldiers from Iraq with signs saying, "Thank God for IEDs!" The video speaks for itself. It's a rare Hannity & Colmes where Hannity isn't the nuttiest person on the screen.


Anonymous said...

Isn't any second spent watching Faux TV a second handed to the Devil himself? ;)

arevolutionofone said...

I hear ya, but it's worth it when it is something classic like this.