Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A Word About My Widget

You may have noticed recently that my posts have not been about the coming revolution, but about my widget. I want to assure you all, that though I have been diligently engaged in the process of developing and promoting the tubesurferwidget, my own creation, that I have not sold out to the man. And that any and all profits therefrom, will be used to continue to fight The Global War Against the Man! Now, go play with my widget, http://www.tubesurferwidget.com.

-Fight the powers.

tubeworthy POTD

My tubeworthy Pick Of The Day is kind of random. Just because I haven't posted one so far today. I was scouring the Internets searching for worthy videos, or was it that I was wasting time watching hours and hours worth of videos, and this one was one of the one's that appeared at the end of another video I was watching. You know how they put those two random videos which may or may not have anything to do with what you just watched up at the end of each video and they keep switching them. And recently I figured out you can flip back and forth through that list with the arrows. Ok, I would say I digress, but this entire exercise is digression.

Annnyyyywaaayyyy, I was researching videos of people I want to feature as artists (read that again, wasting time watching videos) and I clicked on this one because I had some ideas about using bluescreen and it was titled, Trying out GreenScreen. I looked at her profile and it said, "I am a very random girl...." So, it's not particularly impressive for anything but the fact that it is quintessentially Youtube. If that means anything at all. I think it does. And I like it. BTW, anyone featured here gets a free Premium version of our tubesurfer widget, a $9.95 value (wow!). We'd give t-shirts but we can't afford them. Now, go play with my widget! http://www.tubesurferwidget.com.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Our First Tubeworthy Artist Pick: HappySlip

HappySlip, a one woman production team, is the true spirit of Youtube. Not to put down two or more person production teams, but to me this medium is especially for individual, talented, but low budget, artistic expression. Most of all it’s about fun. HappySlip is also funny, talented, and not at all hard on the eyes. Her videos are fun, with good production values and without an edge. Many feature hilarious, but loving, impersonations of her family. Especially her mother. I could say more about her, but her videos, especially HappySlip Vlog #1 (at right in the widget) tell her story much better than I can.

The featured video above is one of my favorites. It’s a one woman soap opera where she plays that cliché of all soap opera clichés, twins. One, of course, evil. Happyslip u r tubeworthy. So, r u tubeworthy? Know someone who is? Comment @ our blog at tubeworthy.com, or write us @ tubeworthy@tubesurferwidget.com. Now, go play with my widget.