Friday, April 04, 2008

Hillary at the Improv

I hate to admit it, but I find Hillary Clinton so much more human and engaging when she's joking about how big a liar she is. I find it so disarming. Who is advising this campaign, John Lovitz? "Senator, we can neutralize this whole sniper fire controversy very easily. You'll go on Leno and first thing you'll make a joke about it."

It's Hillary Clinton at the Improv. "You know a funny thing happened to me on the way to the Democratic Convention. I lost all my integrity. Isn't that funny?" It's to the point where I'm starting to feel sorry for Clinton supporters. They must spend a lot of time and energy in daily rationalization. It must be exhausting bridging the cognitive dissonance every single day. I'm posting this before I've even watched all of it. I'm finding it hard to even look at her and listen to her.


Anonymous said...

She's a frickin' socio-path. Seriously. Leno's a turd for letting her get away with making fun of it.

arevolutionofone said...

No doubt. Jay's not one for incisive political analysis. He's no Jon Stewart that's for sure.

Picking up the Paces said...

Ew...I really can't stand her. I would like one person to name one MAJOR difference (besides a physical characteristic) between Hillary, Barack, and McCain. Anyone...anyone?

arevolutionofone said...

McCain would keep troops in Iraq for 100 years. Between Barack and Hillary, a little harder. I know what you're saying. They are all corporate candidates. But there are degrees of difference and between McCain and those two it is significant. If only we had a better choice who actually has a chance of being elected.